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BHD With NanSi

Cultivating Clear Synergy in Personal and Professional Relationships

Our mission is to empower people in their personal and professional  relationships through synergistic communication-with specific focus on  men who lead.

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Boomerang HuMAN Development 

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The mission of Boomerang Human Development (BHD) is to empower  people  in their personal and business relationships through synergistic communication. We hold specific space for men who lead.

The why for men is that despite every success, male leaders  can feel isolated and disconnected from those they care about most.  It stems from societal expectation that they have to have everything handled, do it alone and remain stoic in the process.

The unrelenting pressure  can create overwhelm and  mental shut down when there is no safe emotional outlet.  The result is destruction in relationships with others and themselves. 

For these reasons, BHD has created a protected conversation space for men in leadership roles to step back from their daily life and talk about  their "it" without judgment. 

​​We are passionate about uniting people in shared vision and respected differences as we help them better connect. It's time to quit the silence.


Amazing things come from the recognition of same page communication where good things happens on purpose with purpose.

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Deeper Connection for Men

 Nancy Mae Simpson Coaching
Building Relationships Through Empowered Conversations

Book Your Convo Below

Safe space conversations to connect in your personal and professional relationships

You can choose a one time discovery conversation or  on-going sessions available in 4, 9 or 12 weeks packages.
All are uniquely  customized and results driven for you. 

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Team Talks

This is the space to learn how to build and synergize work place relationships through empowered, intuitive communication.  As we both lead and collaborate with teams and colleagues, we are always reading the room. Whether we call it gut instinct, intuition, or inner knowing, understanding how to truly connect with people empowers and transforms engagement in business relationships.The relevance extends to those people around us and ourselves. The People That We Lead and Our Presence on TeamsValued, inspired employees stay at work places. That's why BHD focuses on employee growth, well-being, and building the communication and engagement in business relationships that matters as much at work as  at home. It starts with the job post to onboard the right people and requires retaining them as your most important resource.If you are looking for insight on those you lead and how your presence affects teams, this is the place for action plans and insight.

1:1 Session /

1:30 min

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About Nancy Mae Simpson

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Nancy Mae Simpson-Above all else,  I believe in empowered human connection and that everything is energy & chemistry. With more than 20 years experience leading teams in the field of science and medical research, I can logically and practically comment on energy, chemistry and scientific proof. I also know both deeply from my heightened intuition.

My passion and vision as the founder of Boomerang Human Development (BHD) is for people to build and leverage the shared power of collaboration and creation in their personal and business relationships, through
clear synergistic, communication. 


Connection at home and work matters equally, because how we show up in one area of our lives, is largely how we show up in all.


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